Goals, Codes of Conduct, Board
General aim of foundation OBRAS is to provide space, support and hospitality necessary for effective working on art and science. Our specific focus is on (emerging) professional artists and on residencies of 3 to 10 weeks. As a spin off we organize some three public events per year, such as exhibitions and concerts. The privacy of the resident is of upmost importance to us, but we also organize moments to meet and exchange: twice a week we have a shared dinner and an artist talk, and a few times per year an Open Studio. Foundation OBRAS started its activities in 2002 by depositing its legal Memorandum of Association (Statutes) at the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam, Holland, under the number 3417 1283. The Statutes still largely cover the goals and activities of Foundation OBRAS. Minor changes have been (and will be) included in the Rules of Procedures (the most recent update is of 2021 and is available on request). |
In recent years, many countries have developed codes (both guidelines and directives) for cultural organizations. In 2021 Foundation OBRAS decided to comply with these codes as far as relevant of its goals: GOOD GOVERNANCE CODE (eight principles on cultural and societal goals, transparency, accountability and governance structure) FAIR PRACTICE CODE (on fair financial support for artists and personnel) CODE for DIVERSITY and INCLUSION (for participation of various cultures and races, gender orientation and age categories). Ask the board of OBRAS for more details. Foundation OBRAS makes annual reports, which are available on request.They summarize the information given on this website and give insight in what, according to the board, went well and needs improvement. . |
Foundation OBRAS changed its board in 2021. It now consists of Jos Wilbrink (president), Erna aan de Stegge and Jan van IJzendoorn. The board is assisted by Carolien van der Laan, Ludger van der Eerden and Josien Jongejan. For general information on OBRAS and for daily matters of OBRAS in Portugal the contact is: Foundation OBRAS Ludger van der Eerden, Carolien van der Laan Hedade da Marmeleira, N18 CP2 7100-300 Evoramonte Portugal [email protected] 00351 268 959 007; 00351 968 547 771 For daily matters on OBRAS in Holland the contact is: Josien Jongejan Veldheimweg 30, 6871CD Renkum, Holland [email protected] 0031 653 373 801 |