Marble for sculpting, painting and more
Moving Marble was an exhibition of Rob Monaghan (Ireland) in the castle of Evoramonte, in which he contemplated on several aspects of quarries. He used photos, videos and installations with found objects.
Frede Troelsen (Denmark) always worked in granite. But he fell in love with the marble of Vila Viçosa. At the end of his residency he shipped a block of 3 tons to Denmark.
Dragan Voijvodic (Serbia) made floor mosaics. This one was exhibited on a square in Évora.
Caroline Wenning (USA) made her impressions in charcoal of a quarry.
Taryn Cassella (USA) was highly ambitious in her first experience with marble sculpting.
Paul Gagner (USA) simulated marble in his paintings, and suggested Roman inscriptions that in fact are recipes or obscene words.
Julia Malle (Austria) painted red lines on marble blocks.
Christine Laethem (Northern Ireland) used shards of marble for lithographs and installations.
Istvan Covacs (Hungary) used marble dust for small installations.
Daniel Greenfield-Campoverde (Brazil, USA) made ink drawings on a mosaic of slabs.
Ingrid Simons (Holland) used marble quarries as subject of her ceramics.
Abby McGuane (Canada) explored marble objects as carriers of autobiographical meaning.
Annemie Bogaerts (Belgium, living in Holland) used marble dust for her floor mosaics.
Jonathan Roson (Australia, currently living and working in London) made a marble pillow. See his own page on this website for more of his work.
Jacobien de Rooij (Holland) made an x-large sized pastel crayon drawing (5x2m) of a waste pile. It was exhibited in Évora and Estremoz.
András Keskés (Hungary) was exited to paint on marble: it partly sucks the oil out of the paint and blurs fine lines. In May 2019 he had an exhibition in Budapest.
Marijke Schurink (Holland) created a necklace of marble
Igor Reinhart (Switzerland) came several times to work with Estremoz marble.
In the scope of her PhD thesis on artistic interventions, Adriana Araujo (Brazil) left a trace of her presence on a dump place for marble. That was in 2010. Since she left her trace in 2010, there must have been dumped an estimated 10.000 tons of marble waste over that spot. Dependent on the future of the marble sector it will be found back sooner or later.
Luis Corchon (Argentina, USA) exhibited a 7 meters long painting in the abandoned marble quarry of Estremoz.
Stella Walley (UK) used marble dust to give a cork oak a new skin.
Marcel Schellekens (Holland) painted a marble storage location.