cultural events
(exhibitions, concerts, performances)
2025 On the Route of the Embroidered Rugs in Portugal (Lisbon, Évora, Arraiolos). Workshop by Sarah Pedlow; September 25 - October 4. A tour starting on 25 September in Lisbon, and creative retreat from 26 September until 4 October 2025 in the interior of Portugal to discover the hidden gems of hand-embroidered rugs of Arraiolos, tapestries of Portalegre, and the blankets of Reguengos. Create a contemporary textile artwork inspired by the place, culture and ThreadWritten founder Sarah Pedlow's art practice; learn to stitch Arraiolos in its namesake village; explore the region in a small group (some 6 participants); stitch, rest, make nature walks, have a swim and share meals at the quinta of OBRAS. Information: Sarah Pedlow Artist, Educator @sarahpedlowstudio @threadwritten Rotterdam, The Netherlands +31 619585251 (more info will follow soon) Open Call for Evora_27 Evora will become Cultural Capital of Europe in 2027 (see below). Mid 2025, there will be an open call for proposals by foreign artists. Check evora2027 for more information. 2026 Embodied Geologic Research Residency During the residency of Nina Elder, an idea for a group residency was born. In 2026 some seven residents will work for four weeks on subjects that connect geology to social dynamics and personal truths. Each work for themselves while collaboration is an option. All disciplines are invited, including performance, visual arts, writers. Nina wrote the following text for information and inspiration. “ Geology is a legacy of consistent change, evidenced in upheaval and erosion, uplift and endurance, sublimation and coalescing. This residency will invite embodied explorations of geologic phenomena such as marble quarries, ancient megaliths, and tectonic edges, fostering empathetic responses towards changing ecologies and unknown planetary futures. Connecting the personal to the global and allowing oneself to attune to forces of transformation, participants will explore how geologic dynamics might permeate social and creative spheres. Prioritizing deep sensing, intuition, and embodied research, this will be a time for exploring ruptures, wrinkles, and resilience. “ At this moment this residency is just an idea. We are waiting for expressions of interest. Mid 2025 we will decide. Nina Elders has more information: [email protected], 2027 Évora Cultural Capital of Europe On 7 December 2022 the EC decided that Evora will become the European Capital of Culture in 2027. A great achievement and a great challenge for “our” city. According to the jury, key for this victory was the theme that Evora choose: “vagar”, which means “slow”. It refers to the vision that “slow” can bring quality in daily live. We intend to participate with a thematic program on “marble” as related to art, architecture, history, landscape, geology and economy. The program will cover the whole year of 2027 and consists of exhibitions, site specific performances, excursions and symposia. A summary is on this page: marble evora 27. Our proposal is nearly ready for submission (scheduled for early November 2024). Suggestions are still welcome. Scheduling time still undecided. STEFANO FALCONE: obras. For an impression of this concert see the page residents 2023. This concert was scheduled for 2024, but the festival was cancelled. We are looking for new options. OSAMU GIOVANNI MICICO. 1584: Japan visits Portugal (working title). In 1584 four young Japanese priests visited Vila Viçosa as part of a European journey to learn more about Christianity. The Japanese painter Osamu Giovanni Micico (who had a residency at OBRAS in August 2020) is working on a series of paintings that shows this visit, but brought into a contemporary setting of spiritual and intercultural contacts. Apart from the paintings by Osamu Micico, related historical artefacts will be exhibited, including documents and life size copies of 16th century paintings showing the Japanese visit, that are in the collection of Museu Antiga in Lisbon. The Japanese delegation also visited Rome and Tintoretto made paintings of that event. Also copies of these paintings may be included. For the realization of this exhibition a collaboration was started with the Bragança Foundation. A travelling exhibition is considered, on locations in Portugal that are related to the visit of the Japanese priests. The exhibition is intended to travel to other several places in Italy and Japan. Past:
OBRAS organized several events in the period 2004-2023:
Open Studio 22 September, 5-7pm. Residents will present their work in progress: Elaine Nguen (USA), Aagje Linssen (Holland), Jeroen Vrijsen (Holland), Manuel Leromain (Belgium), Vika (USA) and Aura Sevon (Finland), all visual artists or multimedia, Jane Flett (UK, living in Germany), Wilma Geldof (Holland) and Aura Sevon (Finland) and Andrea Brasch (Denmark, living in Portugal; game designer). Musical Pilgrimage with Marsja Mudde. 31 May 2024, 7pm. Herdade da Marmeleira. Evoramonte. Marsja will take us for a small walk while singing songs of Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) and contemporaries. Program: Nu lat uch lusten also hubsches meres Marien-leich (Marian song) by Frauenlob (ca. 1300) O pastor omnipotens Antiphon from the mystical play Ordo Virtutum, by Hildegard von Bingen (ca. 1150) O dulcis electe Responsory for St. John at Patmos, by Hildegard von Bingen (ca. 1140) Laudemus virgine Maria-themed pilgrims’ song from northern Spain. Anonymous (early medieval). Laude iocunda Sequens for St. Peter (and about music and forgiveness). Anonymous from Limoges (ca. 1100) Sophie Tassignon. Saturday 25 May, 6pm. Herdade da Marmeleira (Big Hall of foundation OBRAS). Sophie is singer and composer with a background in jazz. She will sing recently composed songs. Some were created during her artistic residency at Foundation OBRAS in Evoramonte in May. The lyrics of one song is a poem by the Israeli poet Rachel Back (also an OBRAS resident) that Sophie put to music and will sing in Hebrew. The poem was written in 2001, inspired by Rachel Back’s compassion with the Palestinian people. Sophie will sing another song in Arabic: a Palestinian folk song from the time of the British occupation (1920-1948) telling that the prison is not forever. Artist statement of Sophie Tassignon: Based in Berlin, I am a jazz musician and vocalist who recently released an album featuring songs exclusively in Arabic. Learning Arabic was a captivating endeavor, challenging me to integrate it into my compositional style, which is jazz based and draws influence from various Western genres such as classical, contemporary classical, folk, pop, and rock. Looking ahead to my next project, I have chosen to write songs in the Palestinian and the Hebrew dialect. In light of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I aim to use my platform to bridge divides through the universal language of music. My forthcoming album will feature folk songs from both cultures interwoven with poignant poetry that reflects the shared human experience of suffering. 2023 ROBERT MONAGHAN: MOVING MARBLE. Torre do Castelo de Evoramonte, Portugal. 2 September – 1 November October 2023. Humans needed less than a century to dig their way through marble rocks that were formed millions of years earlier. Three decades ago, they abandoned most of these quarries, leaving behind holes that resemble lunar craters at times, and inverted cathedrals at others. Hesitantly, nature returns, sometimes in the form of a tiny tree, sometimes as a lush paradise. Knight, researcher and artist: Robert Monaghan seeks contact with this unknown world. This exhibition documents his findings, his feelings and his vision, bringing together videos, photos, small installations and a soundscape. On 3 September 2023 a theatrical performance was presented by STEPHAN PELTON (dancer, choreographer), BRIAN THORSTENSON (writer) and TIM GLEASON (visual artist). title: 24 postcards. Duration: 40 minutes. Location: Foundation OBRAS, Herdade da Marmeleira, N18, Evoramonte The artists contemplated life-long friendship as influenced by AIDS, Covid and distance. For this event the big hall of Marmeleira has been transformed into one multi-genre art work. A video of this performance will be published on Vimeo in 2024. INGRID SIMONS: Onde cresce a esteva – A luz do Alentejo [Where the rock-rose grows – The light of Alentejo]. Exhibition with Ingrid Simons, in the Frei Manuel do Cenáculo National Museum, Evora. 22 April - 29 May 2023. Ingrid Simons showed recent works, most of them made at OBRAS and inspired by the light of Alentejo. The show includes oil paintings, ceramics and graphic work. The ceramic work was made in collaboration with Luis Rosado and Xico Tarefa. This exhibition was produced and curated by the museum. OBRAS assisted in logistics and PR. . 2022 INGRID SIMONS. Ressonância da Terra. With Ingrid Simons (Holland): paintings and ceramics. Galería D. Diniz, (Municipal Museum) Estremoz. 7 May - 25 June. : SHERRY WIGGINS and LUIS BRANCO. The Mirror Between Us. A photo exhibition about the archetype of a middle-aged woman in a mythical landscape. Igreja de S Vicente, Evora; 16 April - 4 June 2022. On the opening: Saturday 16 April a musical contribution was given by Andreia Vaz (violine). 2020: O riso dos necrófagos. 7- 13 September: rehearsals for a musical theatre production by Teatro GRIOT. Directing, text, staging: Zia Soares. Actors: Benvindo Fonseca, Vera Cruz, Marcus Veiga, Binete Undonque, Daniel Martinho, Nuno Santos, Gio Lourenço ans Zia Soares. Music: Mick Trovoada. Composition and sound design: Nuno Santos. Scenery and costumes: Neusa Trovoada. Choreography: Lucília Raimundo. Video and photography: António Castelo and Sofia Berberan. Co-production of Griot and Culturgest. Premiere: 12 February 2021 at Culturgest, Lisbon The drama tells about the Batepá massacre in 1953 in São Tomé, a former Portuguese Island in the Atlantic Ocean. Hundreds of forros (native creoles) were massacred by the colonial administration and Portuguese landowners. The forros were mostly cacao farmers and refused to work as contract laborers on the building projects of the Portuguese governor. These projects were initially meant to improve living conditions and local economy, but turned into megalomaniac buildings. The governor considered this unrest as a communistic conspiracy and mobilized the army and workers from Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde to stop the protests. This quickly turned into a bloodbath: hundreds of forros were killed, tens were burned alive or tortured to death. Most bodies were dumped in the sea. The governor was forced to return to Lisbon where he was praised and got a promotion. Seven forros were convicted for killing two police men. An official investigation proved that there was no communist conspiracy. Music at Marmeleira. 16 February, 6.30pm: Trio Vadis (Andreia Vaz: violin, Mouro Dilemma: piano and Beate Schnaithman: cello) played a classical concert as try-out for concerts in the near future. 8pm: dinner. 9.30pm: Vintani Nafassi played on Mbira and on self-built string instruments contemporary versions of traditional African songs. 2019: Lakeside. Theatrical performance on a juridical trial. By Karen Bernard (USA). 28 October. Houseconcert for piano (Mauro Dilemma), violin (Andreia Vaz) and cello (Beate Schnaithmann). With works of Peter Ludwig and Astor Piazzolla. 8 October. Musical performance on feeling home. By Gwenn Sampé (France). 26 September "MUSICOMEXP". Concert by Aurélie Ferrière with electro-acoustic music and laser show, based on underwater sounds from the ocean. 10 September 2019. OBRAS Art Centre. Evoramonte, Portugal. "Architecture of the Void". Exhibition with photos and videos by Robert Monaghan (Ireland), including a video showing Phyllis Akinyi (Denmark) performing in a marble quarry, with a soundscape by Miguel Noya (Venezuela). INATEL gallery of Palácio de Barrocal, Évora (6 June -12 August 2019). "31". Exhibition with photos of 31 years-old women. A project by Katharina Fröschl-Rossboth (Austria). INATEL gallery of Palácio de Barrocal, Évora (6 June -12 August 2019). "NYAR KAKAN. I contain Multitudes". Phyllis Akinyi (Denmark) with Stephan Jarl (Sweden). Dance performance with Flamengo as a starting point. Patio of Palácio de Barrocal, Évora (6 June, 6.30pm). 2018
Mercado pelo Tempo. Exhibition of ceramic and textile work by Yvonne Halfens (Holland). 25 August-15 October 2018. Fortress of Castelo de Evoramonte. With a partial extension in Herdade da Marmeleira (16 October - 10 January).
I Am the Size of What I See. A live quadrophonic musical/multi-media performance based on the work of Fernando Pessoa during the years of World War I. Developed and performed by DOGON (a musical collaboration of Paul Godwin (USA) and Miguel Angel Noya (Venezuela), and multimedia projections by Ameera (A.E. Godwin, USA). 6 October, INATEL, Patio of Palácio de Barrocal, Rua Serpa Pinto 6, Évora. White Works. Exhibition with Phil Moody (USA). Photos of marble workers. 29 June – 15 September. Palacio dos Marqueses da Praia e Montforte, Estremoz. Hosted by the Municipal museum of Estremoz Áureas (Reflexoes duma Segonha) Exhibition with Gaëlle Pelachaud (France). Artist books, with specific emphasis on her study on storks. With contributions by Maria Sarmento (Portugal; poetry) And Matthew Manowsky (USA; sound installation). 19 April - 30 May 2018. Cartaz de Amor. Exhibition with Andrea Brasch (Denmark). Video, collages and Virtual Reality composition. 19 April - 30 May 2018. 2017 Diaspora. Exhibition with Kevin Morrow (USA). Sculptures and installations. Castelo de Evoramonte. 23 September until 4 November. Hosted by DRCAlen. Reencontrando-a (Meeting her again). Exhibition with Sherry Wiggins (USA) in collaboration with Luis Branco (Portugal). Photos and Installations. Palacio dos Marqueses da Praia e Montforte, Estremoz. 28 January - 11 March. Hosted by the Municipal museum of Estremoz. Click for two impressions: one with emphasis on the artist (made by GMT) and another with more focus on the opening De Longe e de Perto. Exhibition with Jacobien de Rooij (Holland). X-large sized drawings. Palácio dos Marqueses da Praia e Montforte, Estremoz. 25 March - 21 May 2017. Hosted by the Municipal museum of Estremoz. Click for an impression of the exhibition and the opening. Paraíso Escondido. Exhibition with Ingrid Simons (Holland). Paintings and ceramics. Galeria Dom Diniz, Estremoz. 17 June - 27 August 2017. Hosted by the Municipal museum of Estremoz. 2016 Don´t Stop Wanting. 7 October 2016. Site specific happening by Ruby Fiedler and Peter Emptage (Australia) in the ruins of the watermill at Pego do Sino, starting with a musical walk from Monte da Marmeleira. Click for an impression. Som + Cor . Exhibition with Scott Sherk (soundscapes) and Pat Badt (lightscape). Castelo de Evoramonte. 12 August - 25 September. Click for an impression made by Michel Alvez. The Profit of Seville. Musical theater piece by Elena Cheah and Raphaëlle Oskar. Igreja de S Vicente, Évora. 30 August. See the trailer. Between departure and arrival. Exhibition with Monica Miranda. Palacio de Dom Manuel. 2-30 April. Uma Estrana no Alentejo / een vreemdeling in Alentejo (a stranger in Alentejo). Exhibition and a book with poems and installations by Gerry van der Linden and photos by Luis Branco. Public Library of Évora. Opening of the exhibition and preparation of the book: 28 April - 28 May. Book publisher: Caminho das palavras. O teatro de Passagem. Happening initiated by Bart Dorst (Holland). In the abandoned train station of Estremoz. 24 May 2016. With collaborations of Josef Kleindienst (Austria), Regan Halas (USA), Ingrid Simons (Holland), Kris Williamson (Malaysia) and Tim Pettit (USA). Click for an impression. Meadows, marble and more. Open Studio. 25 April 2016. with contributions of Janet Griffiths (UK), Aurélie Dubois (Canada), Diane Richey-Ward (USA), John Galan (USA), Elma van Haren (Holland), Ingrid Simons (Holland), Tim Petitt (USA), Regan Halas (USA) and Kris Williamson (Malaysia). Summer Works. Open Studio. 28 August 2016. With exhibitions, video presentations and small concerts. Participants: Catalina Ouyang (USA; video, marble sculptures and drawings), Gerry van der Linden (Holland; poetry), Yvonne Halfens (Holland; ceramics), Nico Huijbregts (Holland; painting, piano improvisations), Raphaelle Oskar (Croatia; acting), Elena Cheah (USA; cello and voice) , Saaya Hitomi (Japan; video installation) and Hannah Pass (USA; writings). 2015 Wired. Exhibition with Jonathan Roson. 11 August- 22 September 2015. Castle of Evoramonte. IT IS OK. Try out of a musical theatre production by Elena Cheah (USA) and Raphaelle Oskar (Croatia). 13 September. Herdade da Marmeleira, Evoramonte, Portugal. Parts and Pieces. Performance by Paola Lobreiato (video, acting, music). 11 September 2015. Herdade da Marmeleira, Evoramonte, Portugal. O azul do Alentejo sob o meu olhar Exhibition with Ingrid Simons. May-10 August 2015. Museu do Artesanato e do Design, Evora. Pegasus. Exhibition with James Westwater. 18 June -10 August 2015. Castle of Evoramonte. A central element in the exhibition was an old moto, with “life-size” wings attached, that references the mythological flying horse of the title. Canções Silenciosas. Exhibition with Erdmute Blach. Palacio de D. Manuel. 4 April - 16 May 2015 (in collaboration with Câmara de Évora). Raios de Luz . Exhibition with Ingrid Simons. Municipal Museum of Estremoz. 3 May - 21 June 2015. 2009-2014, a selection
A complete list of exhibitions, concerts, performances, master classes, workshops and publications is available on request.
Also available are brochures and leaflets on past exhibitions and open-ateliers, CDs with the concerts that concluded the polyphonic music workshops, and DVDs with dance and other performances. More visual information can also be found on the “foundation OBRAS” channel of YouTube. |